
hafferi squared.png

Business Member Since:  2021

Located: Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Industry: Digital Marketing Agency

Website: hafferi.com

Instagram: @hafferi

Facebook: hafferi Facebook

LinkedIn: hafferi LinkedIn

Twitter: @hafferi

Business Member Bio:

We are a digital marketing agency with a purpose: making digital marketing an instrument that positively impacts people, the planet, and organizations. We aim to work with partners that want to leave an imprint in the world. They can be for-profits with a sense of purpose, nonprofits looking into raising awareness, or any group that feels they should play a part in transforming our world and society for the better.

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Few causes are truer to this vision than wildlife conservation. Ensuring wildlife is preserved and vibrant can make a difference, making the planet a better place for our children and a more sustainable stage for communities and businesses to thrive. We have generosity and commitment among our values.

We firmly believe that it is everyone’s role to look for others and the planet. We also urge our partners to make sure their supply chains and operations follow sustainable practices. Through this, we hope to drive positive impact--and conservation is, by all means, part of this goal.

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Conservation Memberships:

  • 1% for the Planet

  • Ecologi

Presently looking for more conservation partnerships!